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  • Writer's pictureRenewed Joy

Let's Talk: 8-30-2018

Are you there God? Can you hear me God? Did I do something wrong God? I will admit, I have a tendency to wonder what I'm doing wrong when it doesn't seem that God hears my prayers. Now, I understand that God doesn't always answer prayers the way I want Him to, so I'm not always looking for the things I want to happen. But, I am looking to hear from Him. So day in and day out, I'm asking and praying, "Holy Spirit, please lead me and guide me to the path that I need to be on." Only to hear and feel nothing. So, like many believers do, I picked it right back up. Going before the Father yet again asking the Holy Spirit for guidance.

I actually began questioning my relationship with God and my ability to hear from Him. But, it wasn't because I couldn't discern, instead it was because my focus wasn't on God. My focus was on the situation. I kept thinking, oh my faith is not where it needs to be, (and it isn't), but I really thought for a minute, I had lost my faith in the things that God can do. But last night, I was having a conversation with my mom, when it finally clicked! God already had the answer to my dilemma before it became a dilemma. I was the one who didn't pick it up and took a detour. Then this morning, as I was looking something up on the internet, I realized that God had already answered my prayers in that situation.

I mean, all along, the prayers were answered, I just wasn't looking in the right direction. I wasn't FOCUSED! If, when I prayed, I didn't look at the situation but instead trusted and rested in God...I could've prevented a lot of stress and tears. But, it's a learning experience all and all. I quickly asked God to forgive me for not completely trusting in Him and I pray that He continues to build me up in that area. Have you had any similar experience with faith and prayer, in which you kept asking God for something, but He had already answered it, but you didn't see it? (That's a long sentence) Let me know in the comments below! I hope you have a wonderful day!

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